The Optimal Temperature for Energy-Efficient AC Usage

As an energy efficiency expert, I am often asked about the best temperature to set the air conditioner at in order to save money. With rising temperatures and electricity costs, it's crucial to find the right balance between staying cool and keeping your energy bill under control. After years of research and experience, I can confidently say that there is an optimal temperature for your AC that will help you achieve both goals. According to the U. S.

Department of Energy, the recommended temperature for when you are at home is 78°F (26°C). This may seem warm to some, but it is a comfortable temperature that will still keep you cool while also saving you money. By setting your thermostat to this level, you can avoid an unusually high electricity bill while staying comfortable in your own home. But what about when you're not at home? Many people make the mistake of turning off their AC completely when they leave for the day, thinking it will save them money. However, this can actually have the opposite effect.

The U. Department of Energy suggests increasing your indoor temperature by 7° to 10°F (13-18°C) when you're away from home. This may seem like a big jump, but it can significantly contribute to your energy efficiency goals and lower your monthly energy costs.

Energy Star

, a government-backed program that promotes energy efficiency, recommends setting your thermostat to 85°F (29°C) when no one is home. This may seem high, but it is a temperature that will still prevent your home from becoming too hot and stuffy while also saving you money on your energy bill. Now, what about when it's time for bed? The ideal temperature for sleeping is slightly cooler than when you're awake and active.

Energy Star suggests setting your thermostat to 82°F (28°C) for a comfortable and energy-efficient night's sleep. This may seem warm, but it is a temperature that will still allow you to sleep comfortably without breaking the bank on your energy bill.

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